Sunday, February 10, 2008

One of those runs.....

Have you ever had one of those runs, where you just don't feel like getting it done? That was sort of like my run this morning.

Alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, I like to run first thing, I'm just a morning runner. Got out by 6:45, it was just starting to get a little light outside. Weather was perfect, probably low to mid 50's, no wind. I figured I'd do somewhere between 8-10 miles, I just went out with the plan of running until I felt like stopping (pretty much how all my runs go).

I don't use a Garmin, or anything like that, heck I don't even bring a watch with me. This is the cheesy way I figure out the mileage of my runs. I look at the stove clock as I am leaving, and I look at it again when I get back. I also have a few mapped out routes that I do, so that helps too. The only time I know my true mileage is during the week when I run at the gym, when I run outside once or twice a week, I just wing it. It works for me.

Today I took a different route, one that I hadn't done in a while, it was nice having the change of scenery. But, after maybe 45 minutes or so, I just wasn't into it, even though I was feeling pretty good, I could have continued going, I wasn't really tired, I just felt like stopping. Hard to explain really.

So, as I was coming back home, I didn't know for sure how long I had been out, but I was guessing it had been about an hour. I knew it wasn't good when the first thing I heard my husband say as I walked in the door was "wow, that was quick today". I looked at the clock....I had run only about 55 minutes. Oh well, at least I got something done, even if it wasn't exactly the mileage I had planned.

I'm guessing I ran 6 miles today, nothing concrete, just going by the clock again. And, based on the fact that I typically run 9-9:30 miles, and today felt like I was keeping a nice pace. So, now "9 on the 9th" or "9 on the 10th" for me. I'll try next time!


J~Mom said...

55 minutes is a great run!! You will hit the 9 next time! Do you want a Garmin at all or do you enjoy not having to think about it while you are running?

Running Jen said...

Thanks Lisa! I always say that I don't want a Garmin, I kind of enjoy the freedom of just running. I am not really into keeping track of the exact mileage, etc.

However, with that being said, I do have a feeling that if I decided to get one, that I'd love it!

Michelle said...

Great job, Jen!

Honestly, I can't run without my Garmin. Isn't that sad? LOL! I am such a slave to numbers! ;-)